Happy February!
I love this month. I am a Valentine’s Day geek, because even though I believe that love deserves celebration all year long, the fact that we have a whole day devoted to honoring it is awesome to me.
I am totally down with the vibration of it – it fills me with expectation of receiving wonderful expressions of love from all directions.
I’m pretty sure it’s no accident that I have met my last two romantic partners in February – my heart was probably blasting a tractor beam of light that magnetized them right into my earthly reality!
So in celebration of February, and in the spirit of loving YOU for being in my life, I’m sending an early Valentine opp your way.
First, love is expressed in many forms, not just that of romantic couplehood.
No matter whether you are married, partnered, unpartnered, want to be, or have run screaming into the night from pair-bonding, the love affair you have with your SELF – the Truth of you that is at the heart of Spirit that is within you – is the most important one you will ever have and the foundation upon which all of your other relationships are built.
In honor of this, for the month of February, I am offering a 4-week, LIVE individual intensive laser-coaching program entitled, “Audacious, Bodacious You: Fall Madly in Love with Your SELF!”
If you are not crazy-truly-deeply in love with your SELF beyond all human reason, you are holding back from full-on rocking your joy in all of the other areas of your life.
The 4-week program is $998 and is offered through the month of February only. I don’t offer 4-week programs as part of my regular coaching packages, so this is a unique opportunity to gift yourself with a rich, chocolatey, bigass Valentine that will help you to see yourself as the love of your life.
For your convenience, I am offering 3 different payment options.
If you have not yet experienced working with me and want to have a taste of what it would be like, I invite you to click here to learn about how I work and sign up for a FREE Discovery Call – a mini-coaching session in which we discuss whatever the blocks are to self-love that you are having.
I hope to see you soon on a Discovery Call, or in one of my coaching programs.
I love you more than the Hope diamond, a lifetime supply of Godiva chocolates, and a whole field of red roses.
Kelly Russell The Rock Your Joy Coach
[…] If you’re interested in deepening your experience with self-love this month, click here to check out offerings on my website and schedule a Discovery session with me. […]
[…] you’re interested in deepening your experience with self-love this month, click here to check out offerings on my website and schedule a Discovery session with […]
[…] you’re interested in deepening your experience with self-love this month, click here to check out offerings on my website and schedule a Discovery session with […]