So, how do you begin your day?
Do you hit the ground running? Checking your texts or email? Jumping into get-everybody-ready mode? Watching the news? Blasting off to the gym?
How peaceful do you feel as you’re doing this?
Are you relaxed, open and optimistic, waiting for guidance for how events are meant to unfold?
Or rushed and stressed, thinking about everything you have to do and how the hell you’re gonna make it all happen?
Is there all the time in the world or never enough?
I’ve been using the morning prayer and meditation from today’s video – in which I set up my day to be guided by Spirit – for years. In doing this practice I welcome the day from a place that feels centered, peaceful, happy, and trusting, knowing that I am not in charge and that because I’m not, my day is going to be awesome and miraculous.
And it usually is – miraculous things happen, things work out, synchronicities happen, I’m in a great mood, I feel connected to people, there’s a lot of laughter – life is easy and light and joyful.
It didn’t used to be like that – I would often begin my day feeling rushed, anxious, disorganized, late, and resentful of all of it. Even several years into being a student of A Course in Miracles – I wasn’t making enough space for God and spending the time and energy consciously surrendering the day to Him. I was moving so fast I couldn’t hear the guidance, and so busy thinking about what I had to do that I was not present with what I was actually doing.
Small wonder that I could never recall what my daily ACIM Workbook lesson was five minutes after I read it.
But when I finally heard the message that my life would work out a lot better if I started out by spending time hanging out with Spirit and consciously asking for guidance, I tried it.
I could not believe what a difference it made. Like immediately. I began experiencing a way of being in the world that was calmer, happier, more fun, and with a trust and certainty that all would be fine even if everything went to sh*t.
I really started to get that I didn’t have to make things happen or figure it out – it was all being done for me as long as I took the time to ask, release the day, listen, accept and trust.
So today’s video is the full version of my daily prayer and meditation that I do every morning. Following this practice I typically read or listen to a lesson from the Workbook of A Course in Miracles, and read a section from the Text or another part of the Course. Often while I’m doing the lesson or reading I’ll have some amazing, “Oh my God, He’s speaking right to me” moment where I’m witnessing the guidance in real time.
When I first considered engaging in a morning ritual of prayer and meditation and integrating my study of ACIM, I remember thinking,
“Who the f*ck has time to spend all that time with God every day? I gotta do my life. How is this gonna work?”
Now, I wouldn’t be without it. I do my practice every day no matter what. I just make the time for it, and if I have to set an alarm to get up earlier in order to do it then I do.
The truly ironic thing is that as I’ve adopted this practice, my life is not only more peaceful and joyful and serendipitous and amazing, but time has expanded so that I actually have more of it. It’s kind of crazy.
I work at what I love, for less hours and not nearly as hard as I once did. I get more sh*t done, have more freedom, engage in more fun experiences, spend more time with those I love, and am more abundant than I’ve ever been – and I willingly spend more time in my morning practice than I have in my whole life.
I see a correlation there.
If you don’t have a morning spiritual practice, I highly recommend you find one, or feel free to use mine.
Whatever you choose, make sure it’s one in which you hand the wheel over to the One Who knows where you’re supposed to be going. Not only will you be traveling the best and most scenic route, but you’ll be jamming to the most awesome road soundtrack with the best Navigator and Companion ever. And you’ll arrive in Divine time, every time.
It will change your life.
Kelly Russell, The Rock Your Joy Coach
Is it plugged in and turned on?
Hi Kelley. I know I don’t interact much (or haven’t yet so far) but your emails always speak to me and I always feel the love radiating from you. It’s a lovely warm and contented feeling and I want to thank you for reaching me. I look forward to your emails . They make a very real difference to me. Thank you. I love you!
Thank you Ian! I appreciate your taking the time to comment, thanks for your your lovely words. I love you too!