As we approach Christmas this week, I am all up into the message in chapter 15 of A Course in Miracles, where we are being shown exactly how to see this time of year.
Spoiler alert: it’s not the birth of Jesus as our Savior.
Jesus teaches (and I’m paraphrasing) that in the Real world of eternity, time and seasons aren’t a thing because all is complete Presence and Oneness for all Eternity. However, He tells us that in the dream of time and space where we are experiencing this mass hallucination in our collective mind, the Holy Spirit can use both time and seasons to help us awaken, saying:
“This is the season when you would celebrate my birth into the world. Yet you know not how to do it.”
Jesus goes on to explain that the way for us to celebrate His birth is to celebrate our own birth – not as separate beings in bodies, but as One as the Christ.
“Let the Holy Spirit teach you, and let me celebrate your birth through Him…The time of Christ we celebrate together, for it has no meaning if we are apart.”
This means that Christmas has no meaning except for us to see ourselves as Christ and not separate from our brothers, Jesus or God.
We’ve become very mixed up about what “Christ” is. We think it’s Jesus’s last name. Or that He is the Christ.
Neither is true. We are the Christ – God’s on and only Son. All of us. Jesus is part of that, but so are you, as am I, and so are all the people you love, and everyone else including your spouse, ex-spouse, mother-in-law; that chick at work, the former or current POTUS, the kid who bullied you, the tramp your boyfriend cheated on you with, the person who abused you, and the one who is currently seeming to make your life hell.
We are ALL the One Son of God, the Christ – WE ARE THE SAVIOR.
Our recognition of our Oneness in and as Christ means that there are no separate beings, and we are not separate from God. There can’t be if we’re all One – that’s not how Oneness works. You can’t be a little bit One, or partially whole – any more than you can be a little bit pregnant or slightly dead.
As Jesus teaches,
“It is in your power to make this season holy, for it is in your power to make the time of Christ be now. It is possible to do this all at once because there is but one shift in perception that is necessary, for you made but one mistake… It seems like many, but it is all the same.”
So as we accept the fact that the only mistake we made was in believing we are separate from God and our bros, as we let go of our judgment and condemn of anyone, that shift in perception happens in a holy instant and BOOM! We get everyone is an extension of God as we are and our experience is as One in Christ – even if it’s just for a nano-second in time.
It’s that “letting go of judgment” thing that keeps hanging us up though, am I right? The ego keeps telling us we have to hold onto our grievances, we can’t let people get away with stuff, we have to hold them accountable, they can’t just treat us like that, there have to be consequences… BLAH BLAH BLAH f*ing BLAH.
Really? God doesn’t hold us accountable for our mistakes. He doesn’t give us consequences for the stupid stuff we do and mean and hateful thoughts we think. He doesn’t even see them, because they aren’t real. God isn’t buyiung into this crazy-ass dream.
Thank… ummm… God.
Jesus teaches us that Christmas is the end of sacrifice, and that the meaning of sacrifice is,
“the cost of believing in illusions. It is the price that must be paid for the denial of truth.”
When we attack our brothers by holding them in blame, we are accepting the illusion that not only are they actually guilty, but that inevitably we are too. We are all One, and we know that in our very deepest being. We know that we aren’t separate. We know that we can’t be innocent unless we see the innocence in every brother because we can’t be partially whole. If we’re holding one of us in guilt, we’re holding all of us there.
Through the practice of True Forgiveness, whereby we forgive all our brothers for anything and everything we think they ever did – we release them and thus ourselves.
Whatever anyone has appeared to do to you has happened as part of a dream. The choice is ours as to whether we continue to try and make the dream real by holding our bros and ourselves in guilt, or whether we accept the Truth and let our minds and our relationships be healed.
As we practice True Forgiveness, our perception shifts from guilt and fear to love, and we are able to see the truth shining in and through our brothers and ourselves. As Jesus states so beautifully,
“This Christmas give the Holy Spirit everything that would hurt you. Let yourself be healed completely that you may join with Him in healing, and let us celebrate our release together by releasing everyone with us.”
“Say then to your brother, ‘I give you to the Holy Spirit as part of myself. I know that you will be released, unless I want to use you to imprison myself. In the name of my freedom I choose your release, because I recognize that we will be released together.’”
Thank you being here, for being my Bro in Christ, One with me, my fellow Ray of Light. If you resonated with this post or video, please leave me a comment. Hearing from you is the bomb.
I love you more than Trans-Siberian Orchestra tunes cranked up to 11, “Love Actually”, and white chocolate peppermint bark.
Kelly Russell, The Rock Your Joy Coach
All things Merry & Bright.
P.S. To continue your journey of celebrating your beautiful Self as The Christ, go here to watch Your Mary Odyssey – a Christmas meditation and guided visualization.
Is it plugged in and turned on?
I have so much gratitude for your love and guidance Kelly..
Hi Donna! Thank you. I have equal love and gratitude for YOU. So happy you are here. ❤️